Month: August 2016


Why I Decided to Run

  • 16, Aug 2016
  • Adam Harness
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Education has always been a top priority for me.  Even though my job is in Greenwood (70 miles round trip each day), my wife and I chose to move to Fishers once our oldest turned five to ensure that all of our kids were in one of the best school systems in the state.  Even though we knew they would be in good hands, we were still skeptical of what kind of education they would get in ANY public school.  There are tons of horror stories out there about Common Core, teachers and administrators interfering with families’ personal lives, etc.  We’ve all heard them.  We were relieved to find that this was not the case at Hamilton Southeastern.

What we found after a very short time is that we share a lot of the same values and goals for our kids with the teachers they spend the majority of their time.  Every single person, from teachers to principals to support staff, genuinely loves kids, and enjoys coming to their job every day.  With the amount our educators give to the schools, it is important to me to give back however I can.

The deciding factor in whether to run or not came last spring with the K-4 iPad rollout.  I believe that the school system’s intentions were good.  It’s important for kids to be familiar with current technology in order to be competitive in the job market after graduation.  This rollout has become a very divisive issue across the district. Those who have questions and concerns about the program are seemingly dismissed and we have lost the ability to communicate on the issue. The school administration needed to create and enact a plan and I believe that they have followed through with this plan to the best of their ability.  It is my fear that the current climate surrounding the rollout and it’s implications will impede the ability for the clear review of accountability on the success of placing iPads in the hands of our elementary students. It will be one of my goals upon election to the school board to ensure that communication is maintained between the board and the overall community.

I know that the students’ success is the goal of every member of the school board.  But at the same time, I think some of them have lost the viewpoint parents like me, my wife, and others with young children have.  My wife and I talked to a variety of parents who had young children currently attending elementary school at HSE, and parents whose children are of preschool age and will be attending HSE in the next several years.  Most of the parents did NOT want their kids to have their own devices and were shocked that the schools were going to force them to either buy or rent expensive very breakable equipment that studies show should be used very sparingly for children under 10 years old.  These are the families who need representation.

I love Fishers, and I love the Hamilton Southeastern Schools.  I am running for a position on the school board to ensure that the K-4 families and those with children coming into the schools in the future have a voice.

Why Vote for Adam?

  • 16, Aug 2016
  • Adam Harness
  • Comments Off on Why Vote for Adam?

I have a lot of goals for my term on the HSE School Board.  My main objectives are the following:adam harness

Increasing Communication

My first goal as a school board member is to encourage parents, and the community in general, to get more involved in the “big picture” aspects of education – not just what goes on at the school level. I want to make people aware of when school board meetings are scheduled, as well as what is on the agenda.  After each meeting I also plan to give a quick summary of what was discussed, and any decisions that have been made.  I believe with better communication, parents will not be taken by surprise with big decisions that affect everyone in the school district.  The speed bump at the end of the iPad rollout could likely have been avoided with better and increased parent involvement. Part of this will be targeting those families with young children who do not yet have students in the schools, as this group was likely the most impacted at the end of the iPad rollout.

Balancing Technology

Technology is set to become a major part of the school experience in the coming years.  I will focus on ensuring that new technology continues to be utilized in the best possible way for our students across the district. While it is not realistic or beneficial to completely remove emerging technology from the curriculum, it is imperative that we recognize when a new technology fails to meet our expectations.  As much as we want to focus on the positives and minimize the negatives of a huge initiative, it is very important to take our parents’ and teachers’ concerns seriously and adjust the program as needed to guarantee our students do not suffer for the sake of being “right” on an issue.

Ensuring Academic Success

Our school district has been proven to provide a challenging K-12 curriculum, including numerous opportunities for students to get involved in the community and local government, earn advanced diplomas through the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, and also to ensure that students who need additional support will receive it.  We will continue to achieve academic success by reviewing our current practices and adjusting them as is necessary.  I will work hard to ensure that we ask the necessary questions and meet the proper benchmarks when we consider making changes – most importantly dynamic changes such as introducing a large technology initiative such as the 1:1 iPad rollout.

Empowering Parents

Parents should continue to feel as though their voices are being heard. The opinions of our district’s parents are vital to the school corporation as a whole. Encouraging direct feedback will give the corporation as a whole and individual schools the opportunity to address issues that may otherwise go unnoticed.  I will strive to make sure that the school board continues to be responsive when significant concerns are raised.