Procedure to Address the Board of School Trustees
Did you know that anyone is allowed to attend and speak at a public school board meeting? The following are the guidelines for speaking or asking questions at a board meeting. HSE cannot and should not function without input from the parents. I will do my best to notify you of what will be discussed and voted on at the bi-monthly board meetings, and I invite you to come and get involved if there is an issue that you feel strongly about.
At each Board meeting, the Board of School Trustees, will, accept comments from persons in attendance on the scheduled agenda, subject to these guidelines:
A person who desires to speak to the Board, about a scheduled public agenda item, must register before the start of the meeting. A registration sheet will be available at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Registration will close five (5) minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting. Required registration information will include the name of the person(s) providing the comments, the organization represented (if any), and the agenda item to be addressed.
- Statements may not exceed three (3) minutes.
- No person may speak more than once on the same topic.
- Comments will be directed to the Board, not to an individual Board member.
- Comments may not reference specific employees, patrons, or students of the school corporation.
- Routine agenda items such as approval of minutes, certified and support staff, and conference reports reviewed by the Board at each meeting are not matters subject to comments by the public during the Board meeting.
- If the information is readily available, and is not confidential, Board members or administrators may provide answers to questions. Under most circumstances, questions will be noted and answers returned to the speaker at a later time.
- Statements will not be abusive or argumentative. Persons making comments will not debate statements made by other persons.
- The Board president will enforce these rules and may take actions necessary to maintain order at the meeting. Such actions may include, but are not limited to:
- Stopping the speaker if the statement is too lengthy, unduly repetitive, or otherwise violates this procedure; and
- Limiting the total amount of time devoted to public statements based on the number of people wishing to make statements and the length of the agenda.
The policy which is already in effect for addressing the Board on any matter will remain in effect. This means that a person may be placed on the agenda by notifying the Superintendent or Board President at least one week prior to a scheduled Board meeting.
Public School Board meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 7pm at the HSE Administration Building – 13485 Cumberland Road.
(Information courtesy of HSE Board Docs)