Communication is Key: Navigating the iPad Roll-out
As the school district begins to require an iPad for each student in our elementary schools and continues with the 1:1 initiative in the higher grades, the impact of this program should remain our focus. It should not matter which side of the issue we are on.
If you are a parent who welcomed the 1:1 iPad initiative, it is important to remain engaged in the process. As the school year progresses, you may have new concerns that arise which were not initially foreseen in the pilot program. It is equally important for those parents who have voiced concerns with the K-4 iPad roll-out to remain engaged and keep an open mind to the process to allow for the schools to address their concerns and allow parents to focus more on the unresolved issues.
Nevertheless, whichever side you are on, it is very important to remain in communication with your children’s teachers, principals, and school board over the coming months. The use of 1:1 iPads or laptops for all students likely does have some tangible benefits and it is important that these benefits are communicated. However just because there are benefits, we cannot simply dismiss every concern parents and educators have. For example, if it becomes clear that it is not necessary for every elementary school student to have his or her own device all day every day, it is the administration’s responsibility to find an alternative way for students to utilize the technology.
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