My HSEA Interview
The following is my response to a written interview with the Hamilton Southeastern Education Association. There will be a public forum on Tuesday, October 4, at 7:00pm at HSE High School in the Little Theater (entrance #2 off Olio Rd.) I urge you to come and support me and present questions to the entire panel of candidates to get an idea of where everyone stands on the issues that are important to you.
HSEA: Why did you decide to run for the school board this year?
AH: I decided to run for school board to improve communication and overall community outreach. Additionally, as a parent of elementary school-aged kids, I want to be the voice for families who have children in grades K-4, and those with kids who are not yet in the school system.
HSEA: What is your educational background and relevant experience?
AH: I graduated from IUPUI with a Bachelor of Science Degree from the Purdue School of Engineering & Technology. My major was Computer Graphics Technology on the Interactive Multimedia Developer track. While I was in college, I was a teaching assistant for the head of the CGT department, and as part of my studies, I developed a college-level course on internet accessibility and usability. My career in graphic design and web development has kept me on the front lines of computer-based technology, which is where education is heading more and more. I feel that with my background I have a good view of how technology can and should be used in education.
HSEA: What personal skills and characteristics do you possess that would help you with the school board duties?
AH: I possess a talent for asking the right questions to get to the heart of an issue to find the best solution. I am also known to be diplomatic, which is important with this type of position.
HSEA: What do you perceive to be the biggest challenges facing our school system?
AH: Currently one of the biggest challenges we are facing is the management of our growth. The size of the district has grown steadily over the last 10-15 years. Managing the staff, and building to properly serve our students remains quite a challenge. Additionally, increasing and adjusting communication with the community overall – not just current HSE families – needs to be a priority so new initiatives can be rolled out more smoothly.
HSEA: What is your position on a balanced calendar or changing start/end times?
AH: The school calendar has been hotly debated since I was a student myself. The priority must be to benefit our students in the best possible way. I would be open to any and all options that are presented to me as a school board member, and I would encourage any proposed plans continue to be sent to the families in the form of a survey to get a sense of how those changes would impact everyone involved.
HSEA: How do you plan to balance your point of view with the ideas of those in the areas you represent?
AH: I definitely have my opinions on the role of schools in children’s lives. At the same time, I realize that my views are not the views of everyone in the school district. So I would encourage the families that I represent to tell me what is important to them, and I will do my best to serve them while balancing the best interests of the district as well. If I am forced to make a decision that is unpopular, I would also do my best to explain why I voted the way I did.
HSEA: Not all students are college ready. How would you propose to expand programs for those students?
AH: For those students who do not plan to attend college immediately after graduation, I think we need to proactively train them in some sort of trade so they are ready for the workforce after graduation. The program could also include a placement connection, so students will have jobs available for them when they graduate. I know there is a plan for the school districts in Hamilton County to develop their own consolidated program, and I would be very interested in helping get that implemented.